The #1 Way to Thrive – Not Just Survive – This School Year
Whether you are a brand-new teacher or a veteran who has had some challenging school experiences over the years, there is one thing you can count on. This year will be different. Whatever you anticipate – it will likely exceed all your expectations – good and bad. Covid-19 has changed the “face” of education, quite literally. You may be required to teach in-person classes, a combination…
Inclusive Learning in the Online Classroom
There are a variety of challenges that face students in the online classroom environment, not the least of which are reliable internet access and a decent computer. Teachers can create the best lesson plans ever but if the children do not have these important implements, then both teachers and students are often wasting their time. Another critical issue in our currently ever-changing school scenario is reaching…
7 Tips to Increase Success When Taking Online Classes

Whether you are taking online classes this semester as part of continuing professional development or are teaching online and virtual classes because of the pandemic, there are some strategies to help you and your students be successful. It may take some extra effort, self-discipline, and motivation. No one disputes the fact that learning and teaching this way is an adjustment for everyone. Follow these guidelines to…
What You Need to Know about Teacher Certification Exams
No matter in what state you plan to teach elementary school, you are required to take a teacher licensing exam - and pass it - to obtain certification. Many times, the anxiety for this knowledge-based test surpasses that of most of the college courses you take in your education course of study. It is, therefore, even more disturbing to realize that over half of prospective teachers…
Employ these Creative Strategies for Distance Learning
While some school districts have made their decisions about how school will look this fall, others are still working hard to offer the best scenarios for families, teachers, and students. It is likely that few people will be satisfied with whatever option they must follow. What is certain is that educators will do everything they can to implement as many learning strategies as possible to ensure…
Teaching Diversity and Acceptance in the Elementary Classroom

Depending on your school district and where it is located, there are a variety of scenarios concerning the “look” of your elementary classroom. You may be situated in the inner city or a rural setting. Many educators are somewhere in between. Your group of students can be a daunting mix of backgrounds that include differences in religion, race, beliefs, socioeconomic status, and ability. Often, these differences…