Teacher’s Lounge Blog

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MTEL Comm & Lit – Passing the Summary Exercise with Fidelity

Passing the Summary Exercise: Fidelity Communication and Literacy Skills Test On the MTEL Communication and Literacy Skills Test, candidates are asked to complete a summary exercise.  In this article, I will share the most common errors I see and tips for making a solid score on the fidelity performance characteristic.  A summary with fidelity gives a fair picture of the original. Common synonyms of fidelity are…

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MTEL Comm & Lit – Finding the Purpose and Meaning of Text

You will need to be highly capable in navigating complexities in written text to pass the MTEL Communications and Literacy Skills Test. At the heart of every piece of writing is a message, either stated or unstated. Readers who can identify the author’s purpose, point of view, and audience (Objective 3) are best equipped to get at the “real” meaning. On licensure tests, time is also…

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Selecting Essay Topic on FTCE

Teacher preparing

  Many teacher licensing exams, such as the Florida FTCE, have a writing test that gives you an option to choose your prompt. Both prompts will lend themselves to excellent essays. The trick is to choose the one that fits your skills and experience. Here are some points to consider.   Match your selection with your knowledge. When you read the prompts, you will likely have…

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Passing the Composition Exercise: Mechanics

PrepForward provides online preparation courses to candidates practicing compositions for state teacher tests, including the MTEL Communication and Literacy Skills exam in MA. In this series, I’ll share the most common errors I see and tips for making a solid score on each performance characteristic. Other articles in series: Passing the Composition Exercise: Usage Spelling, punctuation, capitalization — these three areas are evaluated under the Mechanics trait on…

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Passing the Composition Exercise: Usage

PrepForward provides online preparation courses to candidates practicing compositions for state teacher tests, including the MTEL Communication and Literacy Skills exam in MA. In this series, I’ll share the most common errors I see and tips for making a solid score on each performance characteristic. Other articles in series: Passing the Composition Exercise: Mechanics “Careful and precise”—that’s the expectation for usage on the MTEL exams composition essay.…

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